You’ve realized you need help for an addiction and you’re looking for counseling in Edmonton. The good news is there are options to get the help you need online. No more excuses about not having time or worrying what others might think if they see you walking into an office. Online counseling through services like and allow you to connect with a licensed addiction counselor from the comfort of your own home. You can get the help you need on your own schedule and at your own pace. Whether you have a problem with alcohol, drugs, gambling or any other addiction, professional counselors are available online to provide you with compassionate support and practical strategies for overcoming your addiction and living a healthier life. There is hope and healing, and it’s just a few clicks away.

Understanding Addiction and Why Counseling Can Help

Addiction is a complex disease that often requires professional help to overcome. Counseling can help you understand your addiction, develop coping strategies, and find motivation to change. 

Why Counseling Works

Counseling provides a supportive environment where you can openly discuss your challenges with a professional. Addiction counselors are trained to help you uncover the root causes of your addiction and give you the tools to build a sustainable recovery plan.

Some of the major benefits of addiction counseling include:

  • Gaining insight into your addiction. A counselor can help you understand triggers, behaviors, and past events that contribute to your addiction. This self-awareness is critical for overcoming addiction.

  • Developing coping strategies. Counseling will teach you how to manage cravings, deal with peer pressure, and avoid relapse. You’ll build a “toolbox” of techniques tailored to your needs.

  • Finding motivation to change. Counseling can help shift negative behaviors and thoughts into more positive ones. This boost in motivation and optimism will fuel your recovery journey.

  • Improving relationships. Addiction often harms relationships with loved ones. Counseling provides a space to work through relationship issues, learn communication strategies, and make amends when needed.

  • Planning for ongoing recovery. The recovery process doesn’t end after counseling. Your counselor will help you create a long-term plan to stay committed to your sobriety and make healthy lifestyle changes.

While overcoming addiction is challenging, counseling can be a lifeline of support. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional counselor. Help and hope are out there.

Types of Addictions Covered by Our Counselors

Addictions come in many forms, and our counselors are equipped to help you work through whichever one you’re struggling with.

Substance addictions

This includes addictions to drugs like cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine as well as alcohol addiction. Our counselors can help you safely detox and build a long-term recovery plan.

Behavioral addictions

Things like gambling addiction, shopping addiction, or internet addiction can be just as destructive. Our counselors will help you understand the underlying causes of your compulsive behavior and give you strategies to break the cycle.

Dual diagnosis

Many people struggling with addiction also live with conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD or eating disorders. Our counselors take an integrated approach to treat both the addiction and any co-occurring disorders.

Family counseling

Addiction impacts the whole family. We offer counseling for spouses, children, parents and siblings to help rebuild trust, set healthy boundaries, and learn how best to support their loved one’s recovery.

Relapse prevention

Overcoming addiction is a lifelong journey. Our counselors will equip you with the skills and knowledge to avoid relapse and stay committed to your sobriety and wellness. Through ongoing counseling and support groups, you’ll build the resilience and motivation to maintain healthy life changes.

There is hope and healing. Our compassionate counselors will walk alongside you, providing empathy, accountability and a tailored treatment plan to help you overcome your addiction and reclaim your life. Every journey begins with a single step, so reach out today to get started. A better future is waiting for you.

Benefits of Online Addiction Counseling in Edmonton

Online counseling for addiction in Edmonton offers many benefits. By connecting with a licensed counselor remotely via video chat, phone call or messaging, you can get the help and support you need discreetly and conveniently.

Anonymity and Privacy

With online addiction counseling, you can access help anonymously from the privacy of your own home. There’s no need to travel to an office or clinic, so you can avoid running into anyone you know. Everything you share with your counselor is kept strictly confidential.

Convenience and Flexibility

Online counseling sessions are available day or night to suit your schedule. You can connect with your counselor whenever you need, with no time wasted commuting. If you have an unpredictable work schedule or childcare needs, the flexibility of online counseling can be ideal.


Online addiction counseling is often more affordable than in-person counseling. Without the overhead costs of an office, counselors are able to charge lower rates and sometimes offer sliding-scale payments depending on your ability to pay. Many also accept insurance. The lower costs and insurance coverage options make professional help accessible to more people.

Ongoing Support

In addiction recovery, ongoing support and accountability are important. With online counseling, you can connect regularly with your counselor to stay on track, address challenges, and make a plan to prevent relapse. Having a counselor to check-in with at any time provides motivation and helps you feel less alone in your recovery journey.

The benefits of online addiction counseling in Edmonton are significant. Anonymity, convenience, affordability, and ongoing support—these factors make professional help uniquely accessible. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, online counseling could be a life-changing first step towards hope and healing.

How Our Counselors Can Help You Recover

How Our Counselors Can Help You Recover

Our licensed counselors at Online Counseling Edmonton understand addiction and are here to provide compassionate support for your recovery journey. Through private online sessions, our counselors can help you in several ways:

They will evaluate your addiction and mental health to determine the best treatment plan. Whether it’s counseling, group support, or a combination, your counselor will tailor a program to your unique needs.

They teach healthy coping strategies to avoid relapse. Learning skills like mindfulness, stress management, and boundary setting will help you stay committed to your sobriety.

They provide a safe space for you to share your experiences without judgment. Speaking with a counselor helps lift the burden of addiction and gives you accountability.

They help you address underlying issues fueling your addiction. Trauma, depression, anxiety, and relationships problems often contribute to substance abuse. Counseling helps you work through these challenges in a healthy way.

They offer resources and referrals to other services. If you need additional help from support groups, medical professionals or treatment centers, your counselor can connect you with trusted options in your local area.

They help you rebuild your life in recovery. Achieving sobriety is only the first step. Counselors assist you in improving relationships, finding purpose and meaning, and setting new life goals to stay motivated.

Online counseling provides convenient access to professional support. When cravings strike or you need extra help, your counselor is just a message or video call away. Together, you can overcome addiction and build the life you deserve. There is always hope and healing, so take the first step and contact a counselor today.

What to Expect During Your First Online Counseling Session

Your first online counseling session will be an initial consultation to get to know your counselor and discuss your needs. Here’s what you can expect:


You’ll start by introducing yourself to your counselor over video chat. Tell them a bit about yourself, your situation, and what brought you to seek counseling. Your counselor will also introduce themselves, provide information about their experience, qualifications, and counseling approach. This helps to build rapport and ensure you feel comfortable moving forward.

Discussing Your Needs

Next, you’ll have an open conversation about what specific issues or challenges you want to address in counseling. Be honest and upfront about what’s troubling you, whether it’s depression, anxiety, trauma, relationship difficulties or something else. Your counselor will ask questions to better understand your situation and determine how they can best support you.

Setting Goals

With your counselor, you’ll establish some initial goals for your counseling. These could include reducing symptoms of anxiety or depression, learning coping strategies, improving communication in relationships, etc. Your counselor can help determine realistic goals based on your needs and situation. Goals provide focus and direction for your counseling sessions.

A Treatment Plan

Based on your needs and goals, your counselor will outline a recommended treatment plan. This may include a specific counseling approach, resources for you to explore, “homework” between sessions, and a schedule for follow-up appointments. The treatment plan will be adapted as needed to suit your progress.

Follow-Up Session

At the end of the initial consultation, you’ll schedule a follow-up session to dive into the issues you want to address. The first session establishes the foundation, and in subsequent sessions you can really start the deep work. Your counselor will support you through your challenges and help you make progress toward your goals and overall well-being.

The initial online counseling session is an opportunity to connect with a caring professional, share what’s troubling you in confidence, gain insight into your situation, and find hope for feeling better. With the right counselor, you’ll feel at ease opening up via video chat so you can start your journey toward healing and growth.

Tools and Techniques We Use in Addiction Therapy

As addiction counselors, we utilize proven tools and techniques to help our clients work through their addictions and find lasting recovery.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT helps identify negative thought and behavior patterns that contribute to addiction, and gives clients strategies to challenge and replace them. We teach coping skills like avoiding triggers, managing cravings, and finding new rewards and social activities unrelated to the addiction.

Motivational Interviewing

Through open-ended questions and reflective listening, we help uncover a client’s own motivations for change and resolve any ambivalence. This approach avoids an aggressive or confrontational stance, instead emphasizing personal choice and responsibility.

Group Therapy

Sharing experiences with others struggling with addiction can help reduce feelings of isolation and increase accountability. Group members can offer empathy and support, share coping strategies, and help keep each other motivated.

Family Therapy

Addiction deeply impacts families and relationships. Family therapy addresses unhealthy dynamics, improves communication, and helps families establish boundaries while also offering support. Family involvement in the recovery process leads to better outcomes.

Relapse Prevention

Addiction is often a chronic, relapsing disorder. We help clients develop personalized relapse prevention plans identifying triggers and warning signs, building coping strategies, and planning new routines and responses. Even after initial treatment ends, ongoing maintenance and support are critical.

There are many paths to overcoming addiction, but the journey always begins with a willingness to change. Our role is to offer guidance, tools, and encouragement along the way. Through an integrated approach tailored to each client’s unique needs and strengths, we help them achieve stability, build coping skills, improve relationships, and find meaning and purpose in sobriety. With time and commitment, lasting change is possible.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Counseling

Counseling can be an extremely helpful tool for overcoming addiction, but to get the most out of your sessions, there are a few tips to keep in mind:

Be honest and open

It’s important to be fully transparent with your counselor about your addiction and experiences. Holding back information will only hinder your progress. Your counselor is there to help you, not judge you, so feel comfortable sharing the full details about your addiction and what you hope to gain from counseling.

Set clear goals

Work with your counselor to establish concrete goals for your counseling. Do you want to stop using completely? Cut back to moderate use? Improve your relationships? Setting specific goals will give you targets to work toward and help measure your progress. Review and revise these goals regularly with your counselor.

Follow your counselor’s recommendations

Your counselor will likely provide recommendations for steps you can take outside of your sessions to support your recovery. These may include lifestyle changes, coping strategies, support groups, or other resources. Follow through with these recommendations fully to get the maximum benefit from counseling.

Ask questions

Don’t hesitate to ask your counselor any questions you may have about addiction, recovery, coping strategies, or anything else. Counseling is meant to be a collaborative process, so make sure you understand everything discussed in your sessions. Asking questions will also help strengthen your connection with your counselor and allow them to provide the best support for your needs.

Stay committed

Recovery is a lifelong journey that doesn’t end when your counseling does. Stay committed to the strategies and lessons you’ve learned through counseling to avoid relapse and maintain your progress. Consider ongoing counseling or support groups to help you stay on track. With dedication, counseling and the right resources, you can overcome your addiction for life. and – Trusted Online Counseling and – Trusted Online Counseling

When seeking addiction counseling, online options like and offer confidential help. Both services provide licensed therapists and counselors for online video or phone sessions. No commute to an office required.

  • offers counseling for addictions to substances like alcohol, drugs or gambling as well as behavioral addictions such as sex, food or gaming. They provide individual or group therapy with licensed professionals. Services include assessments, treatment planning and ongoing support.

  • also provides confidential counseling for addictions and other issues. They offer individual video or phone sessions with registered social workers, psychologists and counselors. Their addiction services include counseling and support for alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, food, gaming and internet addictions.

Using an online service for addiction counseling has many benefits:

  1. Convenience. No travel time means you can schedule sessions around work or family commitments. You can also do sessions from the comfort of your own home.

  2. Privacy. Online counseling allows you to get help discreetly. No one has to know you are seeking counseling or for what issue.

  3. Choice of counselor. You can review profiles of different therapists and counselors to find one you connect with. You have options to switch if needed.

  4. Anonymity. With phone counseling in particular, you can remain completely anonymous. Your counselor will not know your name or see your face.

  5. Reduced costs. Online counseling is often more affordable than in-person options. It also reduces costs for things like transportation, parking, time off work, etc.

Getting help for an addiction is one of the kindest things you can do for yourself or someone you care about. Online services like and provide compassionate support and guidance to start recovering and live free from addiction. There is always hope and help is out there.

FAQ – Your Top Addiction Counseling Questions Answered

So you’ve decided to seek help for an addiction. That’s a brave first step. Now you likely have some questions about what addiction counseling actually involves and how it can help you. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions:

What is addiction counseling?

Addiction counseling, also known as substance abuse counseling, involves working with a licensed counselor to address problems related to drug or alcohol addiction. Counseling can help you understand the root causes of your addiction, develop coping strategies, and find motivation to change self-destructive behaviors.

How does it work?

Addiction counseling typically involves one-on-one therapy sessions where you discuss your addiction, set goals, uncover triggers, and find ways to avoid relapse. Counselors may use techniques like motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, and support groups. The overall goals are to develop insight into your addiction, build motivation to change, learn coping skills, and find support.

How often do I attend counseling?

Most addiction counselors recommend attending one 60 to 90-minute counseling session per week at a minimum. Some people benefit from more frequent sessions, especially early on. An initial intensive outpatient program may involve 3-5 sessions per week. Ongoing maintenance counseling is often less frequent but still recommended to help prevent relapse.

How long does addiction counseling take?

There is no set timetable for addiction counseling. Recovery is an ongoing process that can take months or years. While initial intensive counseling may last 3-6 months, many people benefit from ongoing maintenance counseling for years after achieving sobriety to help avoid relapse. The key is sticking with it and making counseling a long-term commitment.

Does addiction counseling actually work?

Yes, addiction counseling has been shown to be effective for helping people recover from substance abuse disorders. According to studies, counseling can significantly improve rates of sobriety and reduce the risk of relapse. The outcomes tend to be best when counseling is combined with other treatments like support groups, medication, lifestyle changes, and coping strategies. The key is finding the right approach for your unique situation and needs.

With the support of a skilled counselor and a commitment to your recovery, you can overcome addiction and build a healthier lifestyle. The first step is reaching out for help. I wish you the very best moving forward. You’ve got this!


So there you have it, a couple of highly reputable options for accessing affordable and effective addiction counseling right from home. No more excuses, the help you need to overcome addiction and build a healthy lifestyle is just a click away. Make that call or send that email to get started – your future self will thank you for it. You’ve struggled long enough, the time for change is now. Online counseling provides the confidential support and accountability you require to succeed. Take that first courageous step – you deserve to live free from addiction and you have the power to make it happen. Help and hope are out there, you just have to reach for it. Make today the day you start your journey to recovery. You’ve got this!